As part of the Concert Lab, a seminar in cooperation with the Cuban artist collective "Ensemble Interactivo de la Habana" will take place in the summer semester of 2024. Originally classically trained, the four musicians have increasingly focused their careers on creating collective, improvised, and participatory performances. They aim to co-creatively engage the audience and provoke thought. In the restrictive Cuban context, they work with the resources at their disposal, rededicating them and creating new artistic territory. The concept of "bricolage" will be taken up in the seminar from various disciplinary approaches and artistically implemented by the students together with the musicians. 

Originally introduced by Lévi-Strauss (1967), the concept of bricolage can be found in many disciplines, including entrepreneurship research, where it is defined as "making do by applying combinations of the resources at hand to new problems and opportunities" (Baker and Nelson, 2005). From this perspective, we will explore the phenomenon autoethnographically: Together with the musicians, we will pick a specific topic (e.g. a social challenge) as a seminar community, develop possible bricolage approaches to it and translate it into our own artistic performance together with the EIH during a workshop weekend. The results of this workshop will be presented at the end. The whole process will be accompanied scientifically. The students learn the method of autoethnography to describe and systematically analyze their learning experiences during the project.